[asterisk-bugs] Parking crashes Asterisk 1.4.
Doug Reid
doug at uditelco.co.za
Tue Oct 2 05:05:55 CDT 2007
Hi All
I would like to know if anyone has had the following problem on Asterisk
1.4? We use parking with Snoms using "park orbit" and this works fine 90% of
the time although every now and then Asterisk will crash
giving the following output just before the crash. Seems like it is trying
to add priority to an extension that does not exist.
-- <SIP/8804-0857c6d0> Playing 'digits/1' (language 'en')
-- Executing [701 at default-iquad:1] ParkedCall("SIP/8456-085cd8e0",
"701") in new stack
[Oct 2 11:09:47] WARNING[6961]: res_features.c:1862 park_exec: Whoa, failed
to remove the extension!
-- Stopped music on hold on Local/8804 at default-agent-bc0d,2
-- Channel SIP/8456-085cd8e0 connected to parked call 701
-- Added extension '' priority 1 to parkedcalls
Asterisk will crash after this message.
Added extension '701' priority 1 to parkedcalls
This works perfectly so as I said seems to be adding a priority to ''
(nothing) causing the crash
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