[asterisk-bugs] Strange problem with Asterisk-Zap-libSS7

Dmitri Sologoubenko dmitri.sologoubenko at cwnet.it
Fri Nov 23 02:21:37 CST 2007

Hello, guys!

I have recently installed trunk versions of asterisk-1.4, zaptel, libpri
and libss7. I Have also plugged in and configured a Digium's TE120P card.
ztcfg, zttool and other zaptel utilities seems to work ok, zaptel driver
modules seems to be correctly loaded and both zaptel and asterisk start
with no error messages.
But Zap channel type is not listed in asterisk CLI, no "zap ..." CLI
commands are available, and no Dial(Zap/...) works.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance,

Here's the output:

*CLI> module show like zap
Module                         Description                          	Use
chan_zap.so                    Zapata Telephony
codec_zap.so                   Generic Zaptel Transcoder Codec Translat
app_zapras.so                  Zaptel ISDN Remote Access Server
app_zapbarge.so                Barge in on Zap channel application
app_zapateller.so              Block Telemarketers with Special Informa
app_zapscan.so                 Scan Zap channels application
6 modules loaded


*CLI> core show channeltypes
Type        Description                              Devicestate
Indications  Transfer
----------  -----------                              -----------
-----------  --------
Agent       Call Agent Proxy Channel                 yes          yes
Phone       Standard Linux Telephony API Driver      no           yes
USTM        UNISTIM Channel Driver                   no           yes
Skinny      Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny)  yes          yes
IAX2        Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2)   yes          yes
Local       Local Proxy Channel Driver               yes          yes
Console     OSS Console Channel Driver               no           yes
SIP         Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        yes          yes
MGCP        Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)    yes          yes
9 channel drivers registered.


*CLI> core show channeltype zap
zap is not a registered channel driver.
Command 'core show channeltype zap' failed.


# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
zttranscode            11784  0
wcte12xp               37696  1
zaptel                187428  6 zttranscode,wcte12xp
ipv6                  250369  14
dm_mirror              29713  0
dm_mod                 56665  1 dm_mirror
video                  19269  0
sbs                    18533  0
i2c_ec                  9025  1 sbs
button                 10705  0
battery                13637  0
asus_acpi              19289  0
ac                      9157  0
parport_pc             29157  0
lp                     15849  0
parport                37513  2 parport_pc,lp
sg                     35933  0
8139too                28737  0
r8169                  31561  0
mii                     9409  1 8139too
i2c_i801               11469  0
pcspkr                  7105  0
i2c_core               23745  2 i2c_ec,i2c_i801
serio_raw              10693  0
crc_ccitt               6337  1 zaptel
usb_storage            76193  0
ata_piix               17609  14
libata                 96857  1 ata_piix
sd_mod                 22977  16
scsi_mod              130637  4 sg,usb_storage,libata,sd_mod
raid1                  25153  6
ext3                  123081  6
jbd                    56553  1 ext3
ehci_hcd               32845  0
ohci_hcd               23261  0
uhci_hcd               25421  0

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