[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0010956]: 1.4.13 lockups
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Mon Nov 5 07:05:15 CST 2007
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: hevisko
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 10956
Category: Core-General
Reproducibility: random
Severity: crash
Priority: normal
Status: feedback
Asterisk Version:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 10-12-2007 00:54 CDT
Last Modified: 11-05-2007 07:05 CST
Summary: 1.4.13 lockups
Caught one of these "lockups" on 1.4.13,
noticed the following from full log (And no, there are zillions of those
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
[Oct 11 12:27:04] DEBUG[23386] channel.c: Triggering queue flush for
spy 'MixMonitor' on 'IAX2/'
file - 11-05-07 07:05
This may have uncovered a greater issue... did you get a core show locks as
well? As for the core dump I don't really see anything useful or an
indication of what caused the crash.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
11-05-07 07:05 file Note Added: 0073088
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