No subject

Thu Jul 12 09:23:04 CDT 2007

row is found. 

080626  1:04:41      12 Init DB     asterisk
                     12 Query       SELECT * FROM sip_buddies WHERE name =
'4000' AND host = 'dynamic'

And it stops here, the call is then sent to voicemail just after that

On an server it does the same query, and then there are a few
more for specific channels (like for 4000-09791168).

I don't think res_config_mysql is in cause here as the same version works
on a different version of Asterisk.

mysql> SELECT * FROM sip_buddies WHERE name = '4000' AND host =
| id | ipaddr     | regseconds | name | callerid | canreinvite | context |
dtmfmode | fromuser | fromdomain | host    | insecure | language | mailbox
| nat | deny | port | qualify | secret | type   | username | disallow |
allow                              | musiconhold | setvar | progressinband
| subscribecontext | useragent | regexten | fullcontact         |
t38pt_udptl |
|  8 | | 1214459372 | 4000 | <4000> | no          | inside  |
rfc2833  | NULL     | NULL       | dynamic | NULL     | NULL     | 4000   
| no  | NULL | 5060 | yes     | <snip> | friend | 4000     | all      |
g729;ilbc;gsm;g726;adpcm;ulaw;alaw | NULL        |        | no            
| blf              |           |          | sip:4000 at | no       

Is placing calls to the peer after a sip reload working for you? 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
06-26-08 00:06  Nuitari        Note Added: 0089258                          

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