No subject

Thu Jul 12 09:23:04 CDT 2007

an #include to a non-existent file. All FreePBX and TrixBox installations
are affected. For example, the sip.conf of FreePBX  start with:

#include sip_general_additional.conf

bindport = 5060           ; Port to bind to (SIP is 5060)
bindaddr =    ; Address to bind to (all addresses on machine)

The file sip_general_additional.conf it's not present when you do a fresh
FreePBX installation so the sip module is not loaded at all. And all the
config files have at the beginning an include to a non-existent file
(sip_custom.conf, extensions_custom.conf, manager.conf iax.conf etc.) used
to put custom changes and separate from the config files generated from the
gui. So practically no config files is loaded. Can you revert to the
previous behavior? I think that many people used this type of configuration
in asterisk and especially FreePBX/Trixbox...


 Corydon76 - 12-13-07 17:19  
I don't see a problem with that.  If the file does not exist, then trying
to #include it is indeed an error that should be detected and avoided. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
12-13-07 17:19  Corydon76      Note Added: 0075373                          

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