[Asterisk-bsd] Asterisk eats all CPU

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Wed Mar 25 04:29:13 CDT 2009


Michiel van Baak schrieb:
> What version of asterisk is this ?

it is the current version from the port:
asterisk-   An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk-addons-1.4.6_4 GPL modules for the Asterisk Open Source PBX
asterisk-app-ldap-2.0.r1_2 LDAPget application module for the Asterisk
zaptel-1.4.11_1     A FreeBSD Driver for FXO, FXS, BRI and PRI Telephony
newt-0.51.0_8       Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit:  console I/O handling

Best regards


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