[Asterisk-bsd] i4b pkg

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Sun Aug 26 14:41:37 CDT 2007

Hi Richard,

Richard Neese wrote:
> this is why I nwill need more people to get involved. I have given it a push 
> start. and will do my best to try and keep it going but if other bsd-asterisk 
> users dont get ooff thier duffs and help the project wont servive.

you are absolutly right here and I'm really willing to help you.
Implementing I4B into that CD makes sense if we start to generate our
own CD. I'm not skilled with sysinstall and that autoinstall stuff, but
the handbook is really good and we should be able make a CD ready.

I have the next two weeks more time then my time will be limited to
around two hour per week.

Best regards,


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