[Asterisk-bsd] View status on ISDN card using chan_capi

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Thu Jun 22 03:19:01 MST 2006

Hello Oliver,

* Oliver Schneider <os at kobo.de> [22-06-06 11:41]:
> just curios, you use two HFC-S adapters, one in NT mode to connect your
> phones to, and the second one as "normal" ISDN adapter to connect to
> your real NTBA?

yes that is correct.
Now i try to get my ISDN-PBX running too.

> I tried the patch for a while as well, do I need two HFC-S adapters for
> this configuration? I think the patch removes / replaces some other 
> isdn device drivers with? So the combination HFC-S + FritzPCI is not
> possible?

we Hans and myself tried the fritz card, but it doesn't work well,
sound quality is more than bad. I bought my HFC-S cards at ebay for 3
EUR+shipping, is under 10 EUR.

> One more question about the NT mode, if I use _ONLY_ phones or devices
> with own power supply I don't need the phantom power of NTBA, correct?

hm, good question. I have a ISDN phone with powersupply, but I need a
NTBA for Powersupply and I plugged the powersupply to my external ntba
It seems, that the isdn phone is not powering the bus only the phone.
But try it, without powersupply i cannot here anything one the phone
with powersupply everthing works fine.

> If I'd like to use a ISDN line with more than 10 meters es external S0
> bus, do I need the power of an NTBA than in any case, or is this not
> possible at all?

I should say, easily try it.

Best regards,


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