[Asterisk-bsd] IP Phone Recommendation

Frank Griffith glassdude45 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 7 13:16:39 MST 2006

I just purchased a Budgetone 200 SIP phone from atacomm.com. It was only $60 plus $19 shipping so I decided to give it a try. The phone only has one line but it does have dual 10/100 mbs Ethernet ports.
  This at least lets me start testing beyond the softphone stage. Thanks everyone for the great advice.
jerry at voiptower.com wrote:
  Quoting Jay Stewart :

> I am not aware of any phones that use IAX to communicate with the * server,
> as IAX is "Inter-Asterisk eXchange" protocol, and is not meant for use with
> phone client (sip peers). I can verify that the SPA-941 works well with my
> * installation running on FreeBSD.

There are several phones (or clones of the same phone) that run IAX. The
principal issue, from what I've heard, is they aren't that good. Try and look
for "atcom"; if you can't find anything, let me know and I'll dig up a link.

I wish more phones spoke IAX, as it's a great protocol, when it works.

Another poster asked about the BudgeTone ... one variation has 2 ports so you
can plug your desktop in, but I believe it's only a 10Mbps device.

They are not IAX compatible. As for sellers, there should be a list on
voip-info, which even has the people with the best prices.


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