[Asterisk-bsd] Zaptel Driver problem on FreeBSD 5.4

Dinesh Nair dinesh at alphaque.com
Sat Oct 8 06:55:38 CDT 2005

On 10/08/05 04:07 Konstantin Prokazoff said the following:
> Mark,
>     you have gen2 board, so you MUST use drivers from svn repository.

just a quick question, konstantin. are the source in the 4.x branch on the 
subversion (svn) repository gen2 capable ?[1]

[1] they seem to be, but wonder if anyone's tested them.

Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
dinesh at alphaque.com                (0 0)    http://www.alphaque.com/
| for a in past present future; do                                        |
|   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
|   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
| done; done                                                              |

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