[Asterisk-bsd] /bin/bash and configure (was : AMP on FreeBSD)

Dr. Rich Murphey Rich at WhiteOakLabs.com
Fri Nov 4 17:30:21 CST 2005

Jeff LaCoursiere wrote:

>Anyone manage to get this running?  I've been impressed by comments about
>it on various lists, so decided to give it a shot.  I've been at it for
>three days now, off and on, and am struggling.  Linux folks seem to take
>lots of paths for granted, as well as installed options.  I've never seen
>install scripts written for /bin/bash!  Bad options to sed, a requirement
>to run your web server as "asterisk", etc, etc.  I've been very happy with
>asterisk by itself for over a month now, and it seems I am almost starting
>over to use this silly package.  Is it worth it?
'configure' could locate bash and fix the scripts.

In fact, there are plenty of issues for which 'configure'
might be natural solution; such as, locating the
odbc library,  and building res_odbc only if found.

For the unsuspecting user, these are stumbling blocks
that may prevent them from building asterisk.

So, I wonder, whether putting some effort into the
'configure' scripts wouldn't be useful.


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