[Asterisk-bsd] asteriskout.com problem

Sergio Lenzi enigma at cwb.lztech.com.br
Thu Jul 21 18:39:50 CDT 2005


Can someone please give me some help....

I am trying to use asteriskout.com   gateway to my asterisk server
but I am doing something wrong with the sip setup.
as it does not place the call correct in the asteriskout.com servers.

A help from the asteriskout.com tells that their side need an invite and not a register...

so I coded in the sip.conf....

host= a.b.c.d   (the ip from the asteriskout.com server)
fromuser= uuuuuuu

and in extensions.conf....

exten=>_.,1,Dial (SIP/$EXTEN}@ipcb)

reload the configuration....
my asterisk sends register to the asteriskout.com 

if I changed the extensions.conf... to.... ->

exten=> _.,1,dial(SIP/user:password at A.B.C.D:5070/${EXTEN}@ipcb)

it sends the invitation, starts the call... but....replies with:
Jul 21 19:03:52 WARNING[72115]: chan_sip.c:1048 retrans_pkt:
Maximum retries exceeded on call 7933c16534de0c0d5de944987d968752 at for seqno 103 (Critical Request)
  == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0)

I am using the last CVS version.... everything works...

Another question is:

Is there a way to tell asterisk to send an invite without register??? 
an option in sip.conf???

Thanks for any help,


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