[Asterisk-bsd] BroadVoice Ports Patch

Tom (UnitedLayer) tom at unitedlayer.com
Sat Feb 19 16:17:53 CST 2005

I got bored and patched Sobomax's patch-channels::chan_sip.c for the
current rendition of the Asterisk port. (as of 02/15/05)

It's here:

So far broadvoice works ok, but their proxys seem to trip up their default
asterisk config...

You can't beat $5.95/month for a Sip number (with voicemail if you're not
online) and 100 minutes in the US heh.

Tom Sparks                                                        UnitedLayer
NOC: 415-294-4111                                                 AS23342

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