[Asterisk-bsd] Wildcard TDM400P + TDM11B = FXS not detected onFreeBSD 5.4

Paul Belanger paul.belanger at pronexus.com
Thu Aug 4 13:48:55 CDT 2005

Looks like Digium is not offering up any official support, a little sad.  But it maybe just as simple as the Rev H. is not support
under FreeBSD yet.  Checking out http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-cvs/2005-February/005239.html seem to add support for
it.  I'm going to see how hard it is to port the code.  Or better yet contact the BSD maintainer. ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-bsd-bounces at lists.digium.com [mailto:asterisk-bsd-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Marc
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 9:38 AM
To: asterisk-bsd at lists.digium.com
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-bsd] Wildcard TDM400P + TDM11B = FXS not detected onFreeBSD 5.4

> List,
> I have seen a few posts with success stories for getting an FXS module 
> to wor

I had the card sorrta working under 1.0.3 and .07 driver set.   It would drop calls over a random interval of time.  The 1.0.7 and
.10 driver set of software failed out of the box as the .07 driver init script called ${PREFIX}/bin/ztcfg 2> /dev/null but the .10
set of inits did not.   No local man page:
man ztcfg
No manual entry for ztcfg
But the web man page at http://linux.com.hk/PenguinWeb/manpage.jsp?section=8&name=ztcfg
You generally need to run it with a valid configurations in order for zaptel modules to work properly. 
The card suffered the sanity check failure, then the card went to 'manual mode' and at some point the FXS died.

This has lead me back to re-activating the 2003 vintage MultiVOIP product (which claimed SIP modes, but claim and reality were not
ment with the orginal software.   I was on the 'software update of the bi-monthly club' for some time before I gave up and used it
in H.323 mode with OpenH323 code.)    With the 6.0.7 Multi-VOIP software and Asterisk 1.0.7+ I have a working system.

This product is the next to get working: http://store.voxilla.com/customer/product.php?productid=16144&cat=248&page=1
(Consider buying from Voxilla as they have support forums)

My direction is away from the digium hardware as I don't see them keeping the BSD drives up to date.    At least SIP is written to a
standard  - and that standard is the stick one can beat the vendors about the head.   I'm sick of buying cards that claim FreeBSD
support (The 1001 serial number Voicetronix card I have) and then being disapointed.  That, and the vendor I bought the product from
has removed the Digium products from their products offered for sale.

If I am going to run vendor unsupported equipment, I might as well make it hardware/software agnostic and hope they write to

> The 1 thing that concerns me is this line:
> kernel: ProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old
> Looking at another issue on the lists, it looked to be a bad modules.  
> What d$ now?

Email support at digium.com and ask them.   Now, they seem to want to test on some linux fork, but the port appears to keep error
messages consistant.

Good luck on a resolution.
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