We have about 50 DIDs (growing about 4/day or so)<br><br>We are currently going through flowroute, and the quality is decent, but after reviewing CDRs, they seem<br>to be billing is in 1 minute increments. Do you guys have any suggestions on wholesale toll-free providers?<br>
<br>The quality needs to be there, no channel limits, just per-minute cost and monthly cost for the DID.<br><br>I may just have to start with a new one, and not port over the current 50, but if we could, that would also be a plus.<br>
<br>Thanks!<br clear="all"><br>P.s., if you are going to promote your company, please mention that, and who your real underlying carrier is.<br>(If you broker the media is a plus as well.)<br><br>-- <br>--<br>John Roscow<br>