<div id="RTEContent"><blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><digium-list @9ux.com=""><asterisk-biz @lists.digium.com="">( MAKE SURE YOU ADD ALL OF REHAN AHMED ALLAHWALA's stuff too as NONWORKING ) STAY AWAY FROM HIM TOOO!<br> <br> Broadvoice and voicepulse charge even more than that for numbers that<br>don't work :)<br><br>Matthew Simpson wrote:<br><br>> I tried to use those numbers as an option for my www.goiax.com<br>> project. However, Telcordia wants $3.00 per month per number for a<br>> number that most people can't even call... so I made up my own number<br>> [87820]. :-D<br>><br>> The ITU can put that in their pipe and smoke it.<br>><br>><br>><br>> Rehan Ahmed AllahWala - Super Technologies I wrote:<br>><br>>> Have any one used http://www.87810.com/ or has a +87810x number <br>>> running?<br>>><br>>> Whats the news on this
?<br>>><br>>> Rehan<br>>><br>>> Super Technologies Inc., Pensacola, Florida<br>>> http://www.supertec.com - Technologies from tomorrow, TODAY!<br>>> http://www.VirtualPhoneLine.com - Get A US, UK, EU Number, Forward it<br>>> to PSTN, SIP or IAX2 number, or Asterisk Superb Web Controls.<br>>> http://www.PhoneOpia.com - SIP Based OPEN Phone Services.<br>>> http://www.MySuperPhone.com - The NEXT Generation of Telephone.<br>>> Http://www.ip-pabx.com - Ip Centrex System, with global service.<br>>> Http://www.superPBX.net - One World, One Number, One Pabx, Physical.<br>>> http://www.didX.org - World's First DID Number Exchange / Peering<br>>> Service.<br>>><br>>><br></asterisk-biz></digium-list></blockquote><br></div><p>
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