[asterisk-biz] QueueMetrics 14.06 released - WebRTC included

Lenz Emilitri lenz.loway at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 03:28:47 CDT 2014

Helllo all,
QueueMetrics version 14.06 is now available for download.

Release 14.06 offers significant improvements to the QueueMetrics
package. They are centered around QueueMetrics Icon, the new
innovative Agent Page.

The major changes implemented are:

- A complete QueueMetrics layout restyle
- The new Icon Agent Page.
- The integrated WebRTC Softphone.
- The new JSON APIs for configuration and reporting.
- A new, easier to use IVR tracking mode.

We completely restyled QueueMetrics to match the demand for a fresher
interface. The layout is now very clean and modern so that you can
easily find what you need. A complete overhaul of the visual elements
brings sharper windows corners, subtler drop shadows, more solid
colors and a stylish font.

The new look-and-feel greatly improves usability, facilitates learning
and makes using QueueMetrics daily a pleaser experience. In this
perspective QueueMetrics has now a new Agent Page named "Icon". Icon
is designed in order to provide you with the best usability combined
with an innovative and minimalistic design that focuses all
interactions with only one icon on a completely clean panel layout.

Following the generalized trend towards WebRTC, an innovative embedded
soft-phone was integrated in Icon. It allows agents to receive and
originate calls without an external SIP phone. This way you can
provision new agents with only a modern browser and a pair of
earphones - nothing to install on their workstations.

QueueMetrics now also benefits from a new JSON API that wraps and
extends the old XML-RPC API. This is now the primary access API for
QueueMetrics. From the JSON API you can access and modify all the
QueueMetrics configuration.

Discover all the changes in the What's new in QueueMetrics 14.06 -
http://manuals.loway.ch/QM_WhatsNew-chunked/ch09.html - section of our

A video introduction to the new Icon page is available at:

You can get a free, no-strings-attached evaluation version of
QueueMetrics at http://queuemetrics.com/try-free.jsp


Loway - home of QueueMetrics - http://queuemetrics.com
Try the WombatDialer auto-dialer @ http://wombatdialer.com

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