[asterisk-biz] Full time Asterisk/Linux job in London

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Tue Apr 30 10:03:53 CDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Alex Balashov
<abalashov at evaristesys.com>wrote:

> On 04/30/2013 10:44 AM, Steve Totaro wrote:
>> LOL, I see Top Secret Clearance jobs in DC with the same duties offering
>> $30k.  Obviously, that number is always negotiable and many just NEED
>> the work.
>> It is a "Me" workforce so I guess the "Me" generation fits in.
>> What happened to the idea of getting your foot in the door in the mail
>> room and working your way up?  Now, if it isn't $125k starting, forget
>> it seems to be the prevailing attitude.
>> I would take a great work environment and room to move up over the
>> hostile, $125k, 24/7 on call, responsible for everything, completely
>> stressed job anyday.
>> People all have different motivators Alex.  It might not cut it for you,
>> and I agree, it's low ball for anyone but a entry, which is what this
>> seems to be, but negotiation, organization, ability to move up,
>> be independent, level of life balance are just a few factors people look
>> at, not just take home pay.
>> $700/day tax free sounds great but isn't pleasant when you are in a
>> hotspot in Iraq officially working 12/7 but obviously working 24/7.
>>   Money isn't everything.
> Where on earth did you get the idea that I was suggesting that $125k would
> be more appropriate for this position?  Your arse?  Far it be from me to
> sing lyrical encomiums to opulence and wealth.
> However, if you've ever been to London and computed the cost of living, in
> the city and well outside of it furthermore, this "whatever happened to
> starting out in the mailroom and moving on up?" idea would seem quite
> ludicrous.  The jokes practically write themselves at that point.
> No, money is most certainly not everything, but nobody with firm
> competency in the skills listed is going to be willing to consign
> themselves to the dystopian existence of an Industrial Revolution-era
> pauper, a cruel homage to Oliver Twist.  That's exactly what GBP30K in the
> greater London area would be.
> -- Alex
Again, you are not putting on other people's shoes.  Maybe they have a
spouse that brings home some bacon.  Maybe something is better than nothing
at all.

Your personal attacks and use of "big" words does not validate your
argument one bit.  You also seem to not be able to put someone else's shoes
on and see things from other perspectives, such as Dovid's niche market for
the Jewish community for instance.

All companies are low balling starting offers, that is where the skill of
negotiation comes in.  I would also prefer a company that might have a bit
of longevity by being fiscally responsible than a high pay rate and a pink
slip in a month.

Needless to say, the position will get filled no matter what you feel about
the pay rate, lol.

Steve Totaro
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