[asterisk-biz] Query about Asterisk / Database / Internet Security Consultancy

Matthew J. Roth mroth at imminc.com
Thu Apr 4 10:46:44 CDT 2013

Gerrit Jacobsen wrote:
> You misunderstood. The idea is to put a honey-trap into the wild which cannot
> make charged calls. Of course you must isolate it from the rest of your
> network. 
> Eventually he will anyway put the system into the wild, so better do it when
> there is no risk of damage. 

I'm not opposed to the idea of a honeypot as an additional layer of security,
but it's not what I would suggest as the first line of defense to someone
looking for a consultant to secure their Asterisk deployment.  Locking it down
properly would require the same knowledge as securing the production setup and
the risk is high if they make a mistake.


Matthew Roth
InterMedia Marketing Solutions
Software Engineer and Systems Developer

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