[asterisk-biz] Landline DIDs with revenue share

Markus universe at truemetal.org
Wed Oct 24 04:09:46 CDT 2012


I'd like to mention to anyone who is operating some calling-card, 
call-through or any other service that is generating a lot of incoming 
minutes: I'm able to provide you with landline DIDs with revenue-share 
in currently about 25 countries. These DIDs are regular DIDs from local 
CLECs, reachable from everywhere in the world. The rev-share is rather 
low (0.00x EUR per minute) because we're speaking about landline numbers 
here, but depending on your volume it can be a nice extra income. DIDs 
are between 0 and 15 EUR per month and come with virtually unlimited 
concurrent calls. Contact me if you got at least 50-100k minutes per 
month in any country. FYI, I don't have rev-share DIDs in the US or 
Canada, unfortunately.

Contact me off-list...


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