[asterisk-biz] religious arguments and billing systems

Bruce Ferrell bferrell at baywinds.org
Mon Jul 18 08:35:00 CDT 2011


I've been a Linux systems professional since 1993.  I've been a 
telecommunications professional since 1980; a veteran of Western Union 
and MCI.  I've worked with just about every major Linux distribution and 
many non Linux *IX platforms. I have made very specific engineering 
decisions for my systems as a result of my experience.  In all those 
years one refrain I've heard from as a dull drum beat from developers is 
that "if you pay me, you can complain/ask for extras".

Well, I find myself in the position of both being able and willing to 
pay for support... Only to find that the developers now want to only 
support if they can re-engineer my systems.  I even had one vendor 
collect money for three months before telling he was unsure if or when 
he would be able to support me, but if I was willing to pay extra for 
development, it might accelerate what I needed.  Needless to say, I 
declined the extortion and got my money back.

I'm not asking for asterisk or billing  on windows.  I'm not willing to 
put in windows... Nor am I willing to put in Debian or Ubuntu.  I place 
all three in the same class... the toy of the day.  I won't debate this 
but I will discuss it off list if you're so inclined.

I have a working Asterisk system.  it IS generating revenue.  I need to 
be able for my non-technical staff to be able to operate and provision 
it.  I have installed a2billing and approached it's commercial entity 
for training only to have my request avoided.  I mention them by name 
only because this venue gave them such a high recommendation only to 
disappoint me again.

So, now I ask... Is there any vendor that is willing and competent to 
provide support for a fee without trying to re-engineer my system?    Do 
notice, I said for a fee.  Not free.  I am pursuing this line of inquiry 
as well as others.  BTW, no, I will not be putting in freeswitch, SER or 
other similar solutions at this time.  I have a very specific task that 
needs accomplished and am willing to pay a reasonable amount to get there.

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