[asterisk-biz] Seeking an ITSP consultant

Roger Marquis marquis at roble.com
Thu Apr 7 20:20:53 CDT 2011

I am looking for an experienced ITSP consultant to help evaluate small
business (50-150 seat) SIP and/or IAX trunking options.  Requirements

  A) knowledge of San Francisco Bay Area CLEC options,
  B) experience working with ATT hicaps and LNP,
  C) experience with multiple large (XO, TelePacific) and small service
     providers, and
  D) not on commission to or otherwise working for the providers he/she
     would recommend.

Please feel free to contact me directly or follow-up to the list if you
or your company can do this or of you know someone who can.

Thank you,
Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

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