[asterisk-biz] SIP vs PRI

Muug Muug at lighteningsys.ca
Sat Oct 30 18:27:37 CDT 2010

I was going to say, 
When I was looking at PRI, very overpriced here compared to other
cities, regardless,

I was originally quoted for an 8 channel PRI, and as others have said,
call to provider, more channels in minutes.
The other B channels not used at all.

What to get is all about what your client needs, may need to hire a
consultant to help you figure it out, but having all the details.

IMO, the important questions to have answered by the client,

Mostly inbound calls or outbound?
Local outbound or LD outbound as primary calling.
What LD rate could your T1 provider give you,  10 channels x 1 month
just under half million/month
How important is quality to the calls?
The bandwidth and latency of the local ISP.

As just about everybody else has responded, need more information to
make an informed decision.


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