[asterisk-biz] Question concerning international number porting from Voxbone

SIP sip at arcdiv.com
Wed Feb 24 09:49:24 CST 2010

We currently use Voxbone for all our consumer-side International
numbers, of which we really don't have that many. We're technically
Voxbone resellers, integrated with their API, but recent changes have us 
looking at moving our numbers to another provider.

Looking for someone on an immediate timeframe for porting something on 
the order of 15 numbers from Voxbone in a variety of locations including 
Canada, Europe, UK, and Japan.

Are there any businesses out there which can deal with porting a
somewhat varied array of international DIDs that someone would 
recommend? If the company has a provisioning API, that would be even 
better, but for the moment, our major concern is porting these numbers.

Neil Fusillo
Infinideas, inc.

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