[asterisk-biz] OpenBTS workshop, Germany, June

David Burgess dburgess at kestrelsp.com
Wed Feb 17 16:57:10 CST 2010

To Anyone Interested in Using OpenBTS -

There will be a 3 & 1/2 day workshop on OpenBTS deployment and
development, conducted on 23-26 June 2010 on a farm near
Pfarrkirchen, Germany.  This rural environment will afford
participants the chance to set up, operate and "hack" multiple medium-
sized outdoor BTS sites.  This will be an immersive workshop, with
morning, afternoon and evening sessions and most meals taken together
as a group.

The cost of this workshop will be 1500 EUR with a 500 EUR discount
for students, faculty members and employees of non-profit
organizations.  This is an ALL INCLUSIVE cost.  The workshop will
arrange for all meals, lodging in Pfarrkirchen and ground
transportation from Munich airport on 23 June and returning there on
27 June.

The tentative schedule is:

23 June
evening -- Introductions and welcome dinner.

24 June
morning -- An overview of the OpenBTS approach and the hardware "kit".
afternoon -- Installing OpenBTS sites around the farm property.
evening -- Configuration #1: isolated cells and an initial tour of
OpenBTS.config and the CLI.

25 June
morning -- GSM/SIP mobility and PSTN connectivity.
afternoon -- Configuration #2: a unified network and a closer look at
OpenBTS.config, the CLI and GSM-TAP with Wireshark.
evening -- SMS on Um, SIP/SIMPLE, messaging gateways and smqueue.

26 June
morning -- Implementing custom short code services in smqueue.
afternoon -- TBD, based on participant demand.
evening -- Farewells and closing dinner.

We need at least 10 people enrolled by mid-April to cover all of the
costs but may not be able to accommodate more than 15.

Online registration is available at



David A. Burgess
Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.

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