[asterisk-biz] Asterisk Exchange - a waste of money?

Steve Totaro stotaro at asteriskhelpdesk.com
Mon Dec 6 15:03:24 CST 2010

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Sevana Oy <sales at sevana.fi> wrote:

>  Hi,
> A couple of months ago we registered our product AQuA at Asterisk Exchange.
> We were told that it collects like 14K visitors per month and knowing
> interest to our product from Asterisk community we have calculated a certain
> super-mini-minimal % of visitors coming from Asterisk Exchange to our web
> site... Here comes the funny thing - there was no traffic increase since
> then, there were no referral visist from Asterisk Exchange... We are getting
> something a bit less than 100 product inquiries a month and NONE has ever
> mentioned that learnt about AQuA from Asterisk Exchange...
> My question is: have we just wasted $2500 for being listed there? Is
> Asterisk Exchange some kind of bubble? Unfortunately we never got response
> from the people who sold us this service :-)
> Thanks and cheers,
> Vallu
> Sevana Oy, vendor of AQuA/NIQA/Asterisk VQM
> http://www.sevana.fi
Not much for due diligence are you?

I would have asked for a per click pay scheme.  I have never heard of
Asterisk Exchange but it is a good name.  I am sure it gets alot of hits as
www.asteriskhelpdesk.com does for me.  I haven't done anything with it for
years but there are thousands of unique hits.

Give me $150 and I will put your banner up on the site.  I do get quite a
few phone calls but I have not seen any action on the find an expert part of
the site.  That may be because I wasn't looking to turn a profit so I let
people post direct contact information.

BTW, this is scary "AQuA/NIQA/Asterisk VQM", I probably wouldn't click on a
link like that.

Steve T
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