[asterisk-biz] Any installations in European Consulates or Embassies?

Steve Totaro stotaro at asteriskhelpdesk.com
Sun Sep 6 05:32:53 CDT 2009

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 10:22 AM, John Todd <jtodd at digium.com> wrote:

> I've got a rather unusual request to discover if any European
> Consulates are running Asterisk as their PBX platform.  For that
> matter, are there any embassies that could step forward?  This is for
> a private query (by another consulate) and replies may be privately
> held if requested, other than informing the end user.  Or they may be
> public, which would be preferred so we can get various government
> agencies on the list of reference-able sites.
> JT
> ---
> John Todd                       email:jtodd at digium.com<email%3Ajtodd at digium.com>
> Digium, Inc. | Asterisk Open Source Community Director
> 445 Jan Davis Drive NW -  Huntsville AL 35806  -   USA
> direct: +1-256-428-6083         http://www.digium.com/
> JT,
I did the call center for Senegal.  From what I understand, my setup was
more or less reverse engineered for other US Embassies around the world.

I never signed any non-disclosure and if I did, it has expired.  Also, their
exposure to the web was virtually nonexistent.  I suppose you could
infiltrate the facility, but there are probably more valuable things to go
after than root on a few Asterisk boxen.

This was all me:


I didn't stay with the company very long after doing this install but we
were the sub for CSC.

I have built and supported other alphabet government agencies but do not
feel comfortable posting to the list or privately.  In a few years,

Steve Totaro
+12409381212 (Cell)
+12024369784 (Skype)
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