[asterisk-biz] Hacking the network

Trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Mon Oct 5 09:53:16 CDT 2009

On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 10:48 -0400, David Gibbons wrote:

> To be clear, you only have yourself to BLAME if you leave your doors unlocked. That's not to say that the break-in was right, justified or legal, just that you should have used a measure of caution.
and if they pick the locks you have only yourself to blame for not
getting better ones.  And if they use a backhoe and crush the wall on
your house to get in, you have only yourself to blame because you should
have had stronger walls.  And so on.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
pgp key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8AE5C721

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