[asterisk-biz] London +44 020 0xxx xxxx New?

Linus Surguy linus at magrathea-telecom.co.uk
Fri Jun 5 12:24:07 CDT 2009

asterisk-biz-request at lists.digium.com wrote:
> I can't find any documentation that a UK number 020 0xxx xxxx is a London
> number.  I can find 020 3xxx xxxx is new and most Londoners don't know
> about it, and that most Londoners believe only 020 7xxx xxxx and 020 8xxx
> xxxx are valid.
> Can anyone point me to some documentation about the geographic region that
> is served by 020 0xxx xxxx (0200) vs 0207, 0208 and 0203?

All 020 numbers are designated for London.

020 0xxx xxxx are a special series of numbers designated for 'National
Dialling Only'.

These numbers cannot be dialled within the London area by removing the
020 code, whereas normal numbers can be.

As 'national dialling only' numbers they should not be allocated to
normal subscriber lines, instead their purpose is for any other
application where the number itself is not normally on public display.
For example, telemetry applications calling into alarm systems for
monitoring by automated equipment.


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