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Sun Jul 19 19:54:31 CDT 2009

rom fixed ip=2C&nbsp=3B but some PBXs from some customers&nbsp=3Bare&nbsp=
=3B&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Bpointed trough&nbsp=3B ddns servers to my switch =2C usi=
ng&nbsp=3B no-ip=2C &nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Band &nbsp=3Bthey are &nbsp=3Bconected b=
y&nbsp=3B cable modem&nbsp=3B with dhcp&nbsp=3B.&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Bwhen ip cha=
nges&nbsp=3B take a few minutes =2C&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Byes =2C its&nbsp=3B a qu=
ite slow.&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3B but it's so SIMPLE=2C SO CHEAP&nbsp=3B and not re=
quiere&nbsp=3B advanced&nbsp=3B acknowledgements=2C&nbsp=3B i think that is=
&nbsp=3B a suitable&nbsp=3B way to&nbsp=3Bconnect a some sip users&nbsp=3Bt=
hat&nbsp=3B haven't a fixed ip&nbsp=3B=2C&nbsp=3B but this has some delay t=
o update changes. it wiil be shure <BR>
Better solution&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Bmore efective&nbsp=3Band fast &nbsp=3B=2C&nb=
sp=3Bcould be&nbsp=3Bmake &nbsp=3Ba kind of simple DDNS service running &nb=
sp=3Bon your ouwn server=2C with any TCP client&nbsp=3B just need to open a=
ny TCP conection to&nbsp=3B your server reporting user and pass and then ca=
tching &nbsp=3Bthe source ip&nbsp=3B=2C&nbsp=3B ... it willbe automated ver=
sion so fast =2C and reliable&nbsp=3B=2C but need more expertise like progr=
amming=2C beyond&nbsp=3B from&nbsp=3Bthem&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Bwere asking about =
basic option form&nbsp=3B iptbales to avoid calls from undesired ips .<BR>
&nbsp=3BWithout go so for=2C ALSO CAN USE &nbsp=3BA FORM IN A HTTPS SERVER&=
nbsp=3BCONNECTION &nbsp=3Bfor something like loggin =2C THAT WILL START THE=
 SCRIPT FOR RENEWING after send the form=2C the action&nbsp=3B started by t=
he CGI just must include the same =2C the action for reload modules after r=
enews ips <BR>
yes=2C its no automatic =2C but really works too. fast and&nbsp=3B enable&n=
bsp=3Bto get&nbsp=3Ba cheap way to&nbsp=3B get&nbsp=3Bcloser &nbsp=3BTO a "=
closed network" =2C&nbsp=3B but in open ambient=2C because any user authent=
icate&nbsp=3B using in secure tuinnel tosend the usr and pss&nbsp=3Band wit=
h that update te ip for peer&nbsp=3B =2C but&nbsp=3B it will requiere user&=
nbsp=3Baction =2C <BR>
like i said earlier&nbsp=3B <BR>
All this&nbsp=3Bis&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3Ba mix=2C branded with less expensive opti=
ons&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3B for bring up something to get better.. <BR>
Thanks again <BR>
<BR>&nbsp=3B<BR>&gt=3B From: brett at<BR>&gt=3B To: bret=
t at<BR>&gt=3B Subject: Re: [asterisk-biz]
<BR>&gt=3B Date: Sun=2C 27 Jun 2010 21:15:02 -0500<BR>&gt=3B CC: asterisk-b=
iz at asterisk-biz at sisint2005 at hotmail.=
com<BR>&gt=3B <BR>&gt=3B Yow=2C<BR>&gt=3B Sorry list for the trigger happy =
reply...<BR>&gt=3B <BR>&gt=3B What I was saying is that it's an interesting=
 idea but I think DNS <BR>&gt=3B caching will make it not really feasible.<=
BR>&gt=3B <BR>&gt=3B For me fail2ban + good passwords works as a really goo=
d system where a <BR>&gt=3B VPN can't be used.<BR>&gt=3B <BR>&gt=3B <BR>&gt=
=3B -Brett<BR>&gt=3B <BR>&gt=3B On Jun 27=2C 2010=2C at 9:10 PM=2C Brett Ne=
meroff <BR>&gt=3B &lt=3Bbrett at wrote:<BR>&gt=3B =
<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B Interesting idea=2C but I think DBS caching will make thi=
s not really <BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B usable.<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B<BR=
>&gt=3B &gt=3B For me=2C fail2<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B<BR>&gt=3B =
&gt=3B<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B On Jun 27=2C 2010=2C at 8:54 PM=2C Calleasy BsAS &l=
t=3Bsisint2005 at <BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B wrote:<BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B<=
BR>&gt=3B &gt=3B&gt=3B<BR> 		 	   		  <br /><hr />No importa si es pesado o=
 liviano. Con Hotmail Skydrive ten=E9s 25 GB para guardar todo. <a href=3D'= ' target=3D'_new'>Clic aq=


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