[asterisk-biz] SIP vs IAX2 ... looking for advice

Michel R Vaillancourt michel at wolfstar.ca
Tue Jul 7 11:46:37 CDT 2009

    Hello to the list.  A customer of mine had a lousy time this morning 
with his IP PBX because his upstream ITSP provider was DOS'd.  In 
conversation with the ITSP afterwards, I was told that because the 
customer was using IAX2, they were particularly susceptible to service 
interruptions of this kind.  Essentially, IAX2 was significantly more 
fragile "in the wild" than SIP was.  If my customer wanted stability and 
surety , the answer was migrate away from IAX2 to SIP.

    My question to the folks out here "in the wild" is if this statement 
and recommendation holds water with what you have all seen in your 
experiences.  I'm looking for facts and experience as much as possible, 
so that I can make the right recommendation for my customer.

    Thanks in advance for the help.


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