[asterisk-biz] Inbound DID + voice ports needed for vote monitoring project

David Troy dave at popvox.com
Thu Oct 23 16:22:40 CDT 2008

Hey folks,

I am involved with a group that is going to use Twitter, SMS, iPhone,  
and Asterisk to field-monitor the upcoming US elections.

The group is pretty large scale and you can find out more here: http://votereport.pbwiki.com

We need some help with SIP telephony infrastructure.  Specifically, we  
need approximately 200 inbound SIP ports, driven by just one US DID.

We have a beefy asterisk box located in NYC and can take delivery of  
this traffic via the public internet comfortably.

Is there a carrier on the list who can provide this kind of capacity  
between now and November 4 pro-bono, for the good of the US democratic  

Please contact me off-list if this sounds like something you can do.   
You would receive press and publicity as a partner in return.

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