[asterisk-biz] PBX Functionality for Less than the Price of a KeySystem (3Com Asterisk IP Telephony Appliance)
Steve Totaro
stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Tue Jun 3 13:45:16 CDT 2008
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Jay R. Ashworth <jra at baylink.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 12:01:08PM -0400, Steve Totaro wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 10:02 -0400, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
>> >> I would assume that's retail, yes.
>> >>
>> >> Computer people, and in my experience even Asterisk people, tend to
>> >> forget how high the markup is on packaged telephony gear -- and more to
>> >> the point, *why* it's that high.
>> >
>> > ok, why not providing some information since we all forget why its that
>> > high, can you provide some information regarding that?
>> Because that has always been the status quo. "We are the Big Ole
>> Expensive Phone Company".
> Horseshit, Steve. :-)
Please refrain from profanity on a public list. Karma -1
>> But in this case, 3Com has distribution chains established,
>> advertising materials, sales people, rent, insurance, entertainment
>> budgets, retirement packages, VIP salaries....
> And those people who you can call for tech support at 3 ayem when your
> hotel can't take calls anymore...
Sure, if you buy a support agreement, which BTW does not come with the
system. At least that is the way it worked with the NBX stuff. And
no, you could not call 3Com directly, you had to call your dealer....
Huge money maker, 24/7 support contracts.
Moot point since the package is the Asterisk Appliance, it might
support the "No Tell Motel" but a far cry from a real hotel.
Obviously, you didn't read the thread....
>> This means that at some point, I can probably run down the road to
>> Target Distributing and pickup a system with phones, it's about 30
>> miles away if that is what a customer demands.
> Sure.
>> If not, I can use 3Com's sales material to prove Asterisk is "Ready"
>> and out sell that little box with a real server, more functionality,
>> customization, and profit to me time and time again.
> As long as you enjoy being up at 3.am, as the email address has it...
No, I will be sound asleep, I will outsource it to Uganda or the
Philippines (regular business hours there) to techs that are very
knowledgeable and charge a very high premium for 24/7 support. No
skin off my back, 8 hours of sleep and free money! what else can you
ask for?
Steve T
> Cheers,
> -- jra
> --
> Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra at baylink.com
> Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100
> Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com '87 e24
> St Petersburg FL USA http://photo.imageinc.us +1 727 647 1274
> Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
> Those who count the vote decide everything.
> -- (Joseph Stalin)
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