[asterisk-biz] Grandstream v. Polycom

Thomas Kenyon digium at sanguinarius.co.uk
Sat Feb 9 05:43:30 CST 2008

Rob Peck wrote:
> John,
> As someone who has both deployed in an office setting (GXP-2000s and 
> Polycom IP-330s, as well as a few PAPs and some other random crap), I 
> can give you a little info. Both work with Asterisk, but I would 
> recommend the Polycom. It's only about $30/each more for a better phone.
I must be the only person left that still likes GXP-2000s. When they 
work, they're pretty good. (and have a fe wmore features than a 330).

I think I'm also the only person that thinks Polycom and Aastra phones 
are just plain ugly.

> The GXP has some neat features, but the quality of construction and 
> sound quality on the Polycoms is just so far ahead of the Grandstreams 
> that it's not even in the same ballpark. The Polycoms are also far 
> easier to provision (it's just simple XML).
Grandstream sadly have the habit of releasing broken firmwares, and 
there are notoroiusly some phones with faulty hardware (which get replaced).

And admittedly provisioning can be a pain needing to encode the 
configuration plan, and being capable of handling multiple config files. 
(even with the old atcoms you could have a global config file with 
default settings and a separate per-unit one).

I've not tried it, but the unencrypted GXP2000 config files look like a 
small header and some URL-style form data at the end. You may be able to 
make global changes as simply as:

sed -e -i 's/P625=0/P625=1' cfg*

Would presumably reconfigure all the phones to auto-answer on line 4. 
(finding the keys is as simple as looking at the souce on one of the web 

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