[asterisk-biz] Digium cards for sale (over 40%-50% off)

Justin Newman nt_jnewman at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 5 00:24:35 CST 2008

I have the following Digium cards for sale (almost new), in perfect condition:

* 2x Digium DGM-TDM01B (TDM400 + 1 FXO) -- $109 OBO
  4-port card with 1-FXO
* 1x Digium TE110P -- $399 OBO
  1-port T1 card

* 1x Digium DGM-TDM40B (TDM400 + 4 FXS) -- $239 OBO
  4-port card with 4-FXS 
I offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and guaranteed against DOA.
If you are interested, contact me off list at nt_jnewman at yahoo.com.

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