[asterisk-biz] Starting a VOIP Business

Trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Sun Feb 3 19:23:19 CST 2008

On Sun, 2008-02-03 at 18:59 -0600, Mike Hammett wrote:
> What do you want to know about the contention rates?
> There's not usually any reason to discuss contention or duplex as the person 
> on the other side off the fence won't understand or will falsely think there 
> is an issue when there is not.  That's where the guy in charge comes in 
> again.  If he builds his network properly, it's a non-issue.  All broadband 
> networks have contention, it's just how you manage it.

not all but most due to financial reasons.  And generally it makes
sense, however with really high contention rates the odds of multiple
people consuming all the bandwidth at the same time goes up.

Discussing duplex I agree there is no reason to discuss it, anyone who
knows enough to understand that it means that you really have half the
listed bandwidth when doing symmetric traffic would know that is just a
property of wifi.  

By saying that there isnt a reason to discuss things because customers
of WISPs wouldnt understand network properties is implicitly stating
that if you use a WISP for service you are clueless.  This seems
counterproductive to saying that its a good topology if only unclued
people are to use it and all the clued people go elsewhere.

> Someone digging in their yard can cause some pretty good interference to any 
> landline connection.  What's your point?

But when it comes to a neighbor with an AP its not always as easy to
indentify the exact reason for the interference, especially if as you
say its all upto the guy in charge and that the people on the other side
of the fence wont understand about some basic things like contention
rates.  The guy in charge cant possibly be expected to manage a network
AND go to each customers location to identify interference and find a
channel that will be clean for all customers.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
Belfast +44 28 9099 6461        US +1 516 687 5200
http://www.trxtel.com the phone company that pays you!

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