[asterisk-biz] NovoGate SIP/H323 16/32 FXS/FXO Channel Bank

Alex Balashov abalashov at evaristesys.com
Fri Apr 18 09:32:08 CDT 2008

Cliff Mazer wrote:

> I can't believe the Discussion on this board has gotten so political. 
> People everywhere should be part of this new world economy which VOIP 
> and other products are shared. Please keep in mind that any business 
> that products a bad product will suffer. I'm sure every Chinese 
> manufactures will have the same greed as US manufactures to make as much 
> money and to cut corners whenever they can get away with it. I welcome 
> the world economy to spread the wealth to all the people.

That cosmopolitanism and internationalism cannot extend to culturally 
relativistic arguments concerning spam and other unsolicited material, 
as well as other ethically grounded aspects of the nexus of commercial 
or technical interaction.

As many have remarked elsewhere, in varying shades of histrionics, "The 
line must be drawn HERE!"

"[B]ut if jimmy pan do not send these spams, how can I know they can 
provide these products which I am interested, so some spam maybe are not 
useful to you but useful to some other people," is a preposterous and 
specious argument and should be called out for such.  Bad deeds should 
go punished and value judgments should be made.

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel    : (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct : (+1) (678) 954-0671
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