[asterisk-biz] For Your Information - Our Experience withATComPhones...

Flavio Goncalves flavio at asteriskguide.com
Thu Apr 10 17:58:57 CDT 2008

I have several AT-530, I didn't detect any problem. In my oppinion it is affordable and durable. The phones are more than one year old and they are very resistant. They can register with two asterisk servers simultaneously allowing redundancy and can work using IAX2 and SIP. Definitely, I recommend. In the last year I have tested 7 models coming from China. The only one approved was the ATCOM AT-530. My only compaint is the way it does attended transfer, It is not intutive, but works anyway. I don't have experience with other models. 
  Flavio E. Goncalves
  flavio at asteriskguide.com
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