[asterisk-biz] UK request: Vodafone rates sub-8p with CLID

Linus Surguy linus at magrathea-telecom.co.uk
Sun Sep 2 15:14:04 CDT 2007

> Greetings list,
> I have a client for whom we need to provide SIP/IAX connectivity for calls 
> to Vodafone. They have an unusually large percentage of calls to Vodafone 
> (something in the region of 55k minutes per month). Can anyone in the UK 
> offer sub-8p rates to Vodafone, whilst passing the outbound caller ID we 
> send?

The 'regulated' interconnect rate that Vodafone receive for interconnect 
calls is as follows: (day/evening/weekend). This is the rate that one will 
pay if interconnected directly with Vodafone.


If you are (like us) interconnected via BT, you will pay a higher rate.

You'll then pay slightly higher again if you pass it through a carrier like 
us connected to BT.

All of these are official routes.

One thing that is for certain, if you are purchasing below the Vodafone 
'direct' rate of 8.22p than it is an unoffical route.

'Unoffical' routes are always subject to quality related issues. These can 
be lack of caller ID, routes failing for no apparant reason and/or voice 
quality amongst others, *even if* the route seems fine when you test it.

If your customer relies on this for their business, ensure they know what 
they are buying!


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