[asterisk-biz] DIDX Receives Digium Innovation Award

Steve Totaro stotaro at first-notification.com
Fri Oct 19 11:13:46 CDT 2007


Just and FYI the proper word is "Chose" not "Choosed". 

How come emails from other people all around the world arrive in my 
inbox with the correct time?  If it is something on my side, I will 
gladly correct it.


Rehan Allah Wala wrote:
> Well that is because i AM 12 hrs ahead of you in another country most of the time.
> I live mostly in Asia, That's where some one choosed for me to be born in.
> My Apology for that.
> Rehan
> Date sent:      	Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:24:35 -0400
> From:           	Steve Totaro <stotaro at first-notification.com>
> To:             	rehan at supertec.com,
>        	Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion <asterisk-
> users at lists.digium.com>
> Subject:        	Re: [asterisk-biz] DIDX Receives Digium Innovation Award
>> All of the emails I get from the list have the correct time with the 
>> exception of the typical list slowness.
>> All of your emails (and only your emails and spam) are approximately 11 
>> or twelve hours in the future. The email I am responding to has the 
>> correct day but the time reads 11:13 PM.
>> I am using Thunderbird If using Outlook, I think the time is 
>> correct.
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> Rehan Allah Wala wrote:
>>> You mean the email that comes from the mailing list or the didx server?
>>> IF u can forward the didx email then i can check that 
>>> Rehan
>>> Date sent:      	Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:23:00 -0400
>>> From:           	Steve Totaro <stotaro at first-notification.com>
>>> To:             	rehan at supertec.com,
>>>        	Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion <asterisk-
>>> biz at lists.digium.com>
>>> Subject:        	Re: [asterisk-biz] DIDX Receives Digium Innovation Award
>>>> Rehan,
>>>> Pleas fix the time on your email server.  I do not need your email 
>>>> sitting the top of my emails for the next 11 hours.  It is very annoying.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Steve
>>>> Rehan Allah Wala wrote:
>>>>> Super Technologies, Inc.'s DIDXchange has been selected to receive the 
>>>>> Digium| asterisk  Innovation Award  
>>>>> We are thrilled to be honored with this award and want to thank all of 
>>>>> you and all of the judges and all of them at Digium for Making such a 
>>>>> Great Product Asterisk available to all of the world and letting 
>>>>> Companies like our use it for our Innovations.  
>>>>> Digium will send a press release the week of October 22nd as well as 
>>>>> announcing the winners during a presentation at Digium|Asterisk World 
>>>>> in Boston, Massachusetts during Fall VON Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2007.   
>>>>> We, that is each of you the DIDXchange members and we, all of our DIDX 
>>>>> care team members, share in this success. It only makes us try even 
>>>>> more than ever to help you be most effective and successful regarding 
>>>>> your DID needs.  
>>>>> For more information on the award Check out   
>>>>> _http://www.digium.com/en/company/awards/innovation.php_   .  
>>>>> We hope you can visit us at the Fall Von and  Digium|Asterisk World 
>>>>> 2007 this year and be a part of this great event with us, as without 
>>>>> you, it would not have been possible.  
>>>>> Visit   _http://www.didx.net/fallvon2007_    and Even if you cannot 
>>>>> attend, there are many benefits for registering, so please don't miss 
>>>>> it and at least sign up now!  
>>>>> DIDXchange will be at booth 1263.  
>>>>> for more information viit www.didx.net
>>>>> Rehan Ahmed AllahWala
>>>>> Msn/Yahoo/GoogleTalk/Email: Rehan at Rehan.com
>>>>> http://www.supertec.com/ - Internet Telephony Solutions
>>>>> Http://www.DIDX.net - DID Number Market Place.
>>>>> Don't Remember Me ? Visit http://www.Rehan.com
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, 
>>>>> then you win."
>>>>> By Gandhi.
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> --Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by http://www.api-digital.com--
>>>>> asterisk-biz mailing list
>>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
>>>>>    http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-biz
>>> Rehan Ahmed AllahWala
>>> Msn/Yahoo/GoogleTalk/Email: Rehan at Rehan.com
>>> http://www.supertec.com/ - Internet Telephony Solutions
>>> Http://www.DIDX.net - DID Number Market Place.
>>> Don't Remember Me ? Visit http://www.Rehan.com
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." 
>>> By Gandhi.
> Rehan Ahmed AllahWala
> Msn/Yahoo/GoogleTalk/Email: Rehan at Rehan.com
> http://www.supertec.com/ - Internet Telephony Solutions
> Http://www.DIDX.net - DID Number Market Place.
> Don't Remember Me ? Visit http://www.Rehan.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." 
> By Gandhi.

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