[asterisk-biz] account with Voxbone

Cameo Ro cameoro at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 11:02:59 CDT 2007

I use them for 3 months.

Never had downtime.

Prices are high.

However last month they charged twice, both from the
paypal account and credit card. Issue was solved fast
once I opened a ticket. 

However another time I took an 1-800 number and it
wasn't working. Took them 3 days to solve the problem
( it was a weekend in between ) and I had to open a
second trouble ticket because the first one was

As far as I know they are the best in the market, but
they still have problems.

We're setting up an account with Voxbone and are
wondering if anyone
had any experiences, good or bad.

Issues include:

- Pricing and payment processes
- Uptime
- Latency issues / SIP Reinvite


Craig Lawrence

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