[asterisk-biz] Vonage 877

Trixter aka Bret McDanel trixter at 0xdecafbad.com
Tue May 22 08:21:21 MST 2007

On 5/22/07, Matt Dunkin <mdunkin at innflux.com> wrote:
> Anyone ever hear of Vonage permanently owning an 877 number? We have had
> other voip providers say they can't port it anywhere???

According to vonages TOS you can only port a number  out if they give
you permission, even if you ported it in.

2.11	Number Transfer on Service Disconnection. Upon the disconnection
of your Service, we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, release
to your new service provider the telephone number that you ported
(transferred or moved over) to us from your previous service provider
and used in connection with your Service if:
     such new service provider is able to accept such number;
     your account has been properly disconnected;
     your account is completely current, including payment for all
Service charges and
          applicable disconnection fees; and
     you request the transfer upon disconnecting your account.

Note the wording 'we may' so even if you do all that they mention they
still dont have to.  This appears to be a newer variant of the clause
from what I remember a few years ago, but fundamentally the same.
Broadvoice and a few others have similar provisions.

With that said, I havent heard them refusing to port the number.  Even
if it wasnt one that you ported into their network.  If they are now
doing this, I would first look to see if the conditions they have were
followed, if they werent you may still argue a bit to do it, you may
also try to just port it and hope they release it, which they may and
not notice.  Asking a human may get a response of 'no' even if they
will if the request comes in through normal channels.  They tend to
not put the most informed people on the front line of answering

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
Belfast +44 28 9099 6461        US +1 516 687 5200
http://www.trxtel.com the VoIP provider that pays you!

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