[asterisk-biz] Need ITSP recommendation in UK, Spain, Denmark, orig and term, with API

Peter Beckman beckman at purplecow.com
Wed May 16 08:55:43 MST 2007

I'm looking for a few new ITSPs in the UK, Spain and Denmark.  I'd like to
deal with ITSPs that focus on their country, rather than a generalist (such
as DIDx).

Can anyone recommend ITSPs in those regions?  My goals are:

     * Have (or are willing to build) an API to manage numbers
     * Both per-channel and per-minute origination pricing, low rates
     * Good Termination rates in the local area
     * Lots of DIDs available in the local area
     * Transparency on the DID number (i.e. I can at least attempt to choose
       my DID by the full number, not just area code and prefix)
     * Responsive Support during business hours, either by email or phone
     * Quality origination and termination

     * Dedicated Hosting
     * 24/7 Support
     * Number Portability knowledge and ability (if supported in that
     * Deep knowledge of the telephony system in their country, willingness
       to share that knowledge
     * Ability to scale gracefully, minimize outages and downtime

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at purplecow.com                             http://www.purplecow.com/

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