[asterisk-biz] AsterPas - FastAGI Script Server Enters Beta

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Mon Mar 26 14:47:45 MST 2007

We would like to announce that AsterPas, FastAGI Script Server has 
entered beta cycle.

AsterPas is an Object Pascal based multi-threaded scripting server which 
can be run either on a local Asterisk box or off-loaded to another server.

Developed in-house for our own use, AsterPas allows flexible script 
programming using Object Pascal.  Ready Made class objects include:

AGI      - Provides Object Pascal abstraction of AGI commands.
SQLDB    - Provides Object Pascal abstraction of SQL Database
            connections FirebirdSQL 1.5/20 and MySQL 4/4.1/5.0.
	   Supports single field retrieval, scrollable rowsets
            and DML execution via inline SQL in source or through
            cached SQL statements on disk.
Swift    - Cepstral Swift Object Pascal Abstraction class.
Weather  - Uses Swift class to download and play weather reports.
CallFile - Abstraction class for creating call files with support
            for Linux "at" command.

In addition, most familiar OP constructs, loops, blocks, 
try..finaly/except and objects like TStringList, etc.

Because AsterPas is written in Freepascal/Lazarus it runs on both 
Windows and Linux.

Although we are using it internally ourselves, the software is still 
beta so beta testers are welcome and appreciated.  Most of the scripts 
that I've written so far are for use in house, but I have written a 
couple of sample scripts (available on the website) that show some of 
the features.  There is also some beta documentation available from the 
site as well.

If you're interested or curious, please visit the AsterPas page:

Future plans include Asterisk Manager ready made class, database 
connection pooling and more.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.


Warm Regards,


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