[asterisk-biz] A New Phone Service - www.virtualphoneline.com

rehan at supertec.com rehan at supertec.com
Tue Mar 6 05:12:19 MST 2007

Dear Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion,

I joined VirtualPhoneLine.Com service and am really enjoying the use of it.

VirtualPhoneLine.Com allows me to buy virtual numbers from anywhere in the world and then forwards it to my Mobile Number, Regular Phone, MSN Messenger, Google Talk or an IP Phone.

Have a look at the http://www.virtualphoneline.com/faq and http://www.virtualphoneline.com/did for current available numbers.

Follow this link http://www.virtualphoneline.com/signup/index.php?Referral2=vpl072625129b&OID=100000 

Let me know how it goes for you,

Rehan Ahmed

 EmailID: 25

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