[asterisk-biz] Maestro Control Panel for Asterisk

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Mon Jul 9 19:24:35 CDT 2007

We would like to announce a new product that we are working on called 
Maestro Control Panel.

What is Maestro?
Maestro is a control panel utility that allows visual, real time control 
of calls within an Asterisk based PBX system. Maestro is a Windows based 
software program running on Modern Windows platforms (2000/XP/Visa, 
etc). Calls flowing through the PBX system are represented as visual 
objects or lists on screen. By Dragging and Dropping or through the use 
of short cut menus, the user can manipulate the calls visually 
represented on screen.

The mechanics of Maestro rely solely on the Asterisk Manager Interface. 
  Maestro fires events in response to the user's actions such as 
dragging on object (like a live device call) onto another object (such 
as a conference).  When this happens, Maestro runs a predetermined 
Manager Action in response to that event.  Maestro also surfaces 
relevant variables such as channel information about objects involved 
(device, conference, parked call, etc), which are then used in variable 
substitution against the Manager Action's text before the Manager Action 
is submitted to the AMI.  These variables are also sent to the channel's 
dial plan (where appropriate) and can be referenced there as well.

Through a combination of AMI commands and redirects to your own dialplan 
logic, you can create a customized "hud" like application for your users 
in minutes by writing simple AMI commands.

In early beta testing, Maestro is available for download and more 
information can be read on our website.



Warm Regards,


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