[asterisk-biz] Least Cost Routing Rates

Alex Balashov abalashov at evaristesys.com
Fri Aug 3 18:44:25 CDT 2007

On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Douglas Garstang wrote:

> Assuming you used several ITSP's, and you wanted to do least cost 
> routing, does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to manage 
> all the routes and their costs?

   There are a number of home-brewed and enterprise-strength LCR and 
general call routing/settlement/peering platforms out there.  My personal 
recommendation is TransNexus's NexSRS:


   We use it at my workplace.  Very robust.

> Would it be best to seek out providers that would let you periodically 
> grab a rate sheet through some automated means? You'd then have to parse 
> the data from the various providers and stick it in a database. The 
> formats are all pretty similar so parsing and populating shouldn't be 
> too tricky.

   TransNexus might be able to help here;  they certainly did it for us.
I don't think they expect anyone to be entering rates in manually, or
updating them manually.

> Or... what would be really cool would be if there was someone out there 
> that already did all this, and published the rates....?

   I'm sure there are billing clearinghouses that collect this information.

-- Alex

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel    : +1-678-954-0670
Direct : +1-678-954-0671

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