[asterisk-biz] What happened to SellVoip.net??

Michael Trank mike at bptweb.com
Sat Apr 28 10:43:28 MST 2007


I had an account and a DID number from the Blue Networks SellVoip company.

It worked very nice for me, while it lasted.

A couple of weeks ago, they stopped forwarding my calls destined to 
non-USA phone numbers, and then a couple of days later their gateway 
disappeared entirely.

I saw some messages here on the list a couple of weeks back about people 
getting refund  checks from SellVoip.

Is this company defunct? Any chance they will come back on-line?

Can anyone recommend to me a SIP carrier that offers a similar  service 
to SellVoip, that is, one with the following  characteristics:

1. Don't care about bells and whistles ( voicemail, etc )
2. No SIP REGISTER, static IP address authentication instead.
3. Forward all calls to my assigned DID's to my static IP address.
4. Will accept many simulataneous calls to my static IP address.
5. Cheap rates.

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