[asterisk-biz] Mexico Termination

Jim - Broadband Telecom jim at broadbandtele.net
Wed Sep 27 14:47:07 MST 2006



We are looking for Mexico Termination Capacity.


Please contact me off-list if you are able to offer us good Mexico NEA




Priyang Patel ( Jim )

Manager ( Operations )


Broadband Telecom, Inc.

We Value your voice


514, South Kenneth Road,

Burbank, CA, 91501, USA

*  : +1-818-276-1127

*  : +1-530-730-3088

*  :    jim at broadbandtele.net 

MSN: jim at broadbandtele.net 

Yahoo! : tradebti10

www.BroadbandTele.net <http://www.broadbandtele.net/>  


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