[asterisk-biz] Doesn anyone use Godaddy's dedicated server with Asterisk

Paul ast2005 at 9ux.com
Thu Nov 16 18:17:12 MST 2006

c.savinovich at itntelecom.com wrote:

>  If you use any virtual dedicated server you will not be able to time the
>calls, if you plan to use Asterisk with a prepay billing system. 
>Something about Asterisk using the clock cycles of the cpu to do its
>timing, which in the case of a virtual server, throws the time metering
>off...  curiously, I was having a conversation a couple of days ago with
>a friend of mine who owns a colocation center that provide VPS's here in
>NYC, and he claimed that he had solved that issue.
> I have 2 VPS with GoDaddy, I am planning to keep them, what the heck, but
>I think they are suited for non-power users...  They are not really full
>servers in the sense that you really cannot format the hard drive nor
>install your favorite version of linux, mysql, or squirrel... which can
>be good or can be bad, depending on your choice... I hate not having the
>freedom, and the fact that they don't tell you about it.  Also, after
>they set it up for you, they will not even give you the time of the day. 
>You will be on your own, for real.  My suggestion is, for asterisk
>installations, you are better off using other companies that provide the
>VPS services more geared to Asterisk users.
I use asterisk on xen virtuals all the time for development purposes.
Before I would use virtual servers for production voip needs my minimum
requirements would likely be:

I have full control of the host server which means I can manage resource
allocation among virtual servers.


I use a vendor who has host servers dedicated entirely to providing
virtual servers for voip which means my vendor is guaranteeing resources
are available when needed regardless of what the other virtuals on this
host are doing.

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